Non classé


PAMA Non classé 06/24/2017

The love story of two robbers transformed into a modern epic. This fable depicts two characters who are fond of love in a poetic turmoil.
And if the history of Adam and Eve was only the fruit of a terrible manipulation and their future remains uncertain?

Run / Flucht

PAMA 2018 Movies, Non classé 06/24/2017

Germany. The situation has changed from democracy to a kind of military dictatorship.
L., a woman age30, mother of two little children is being blackmailed by the department of homeland-security: She has to hand over a so called terrorist. B. is on the run. She is forced to leave Germany. L. finds B. in the forrests, they walk together.After some time L. realises, that she and B. are in the same desperate situation.
Run- a movie about trust, loneliness and the morality of betrayal.

Passé Composé

PAMA Non classé 06/23/2017

I remember everything about that day. With frightening precision. It was a somewhat special day…


PAMA Non classé 06/23/2017

A young boy who became deaf persists in embracing his passion for music. Along with his encouraging mother, he faces the day that might change their lives.

1971 Motorcycle Heart

PAMA Non classé 06/23/2017

July 1971: Christian Ravel, the French pilot, rising star in the motorcycle competition, is heading to Belgium to take part in a Grand Prix. He broke down nearby Niki de Saint Phalle’s artist studio. They spend a couple of hours together mixing their universes, just the time of an enchanted interlude.


Article sur Mademoizelle.


Today is a Good Day

PAMA Non classé 06/23/2017

The «Café Racer» movement, born in England during the 1950s, never stopped to influence a multitude of personalities, from designers to tattoo artists, mechanics, visual artists.
Undoubtedly the most influential motorcycle movement of all time and the starting point of a culture where everyone revisits the past without denying it.
Today is a good day explains the rise of this new «democratized» motorcycle» era, the motorcycle as a way of life.

Today Is A Good Day (Teaser) from Les Films de la Découverte on Vimeo.

2017 Web Series

PAMA Non classé 06/23/2017



Anthony Lemaitre et son acteur fétiche reviennent au PAMA, deux ans après avoir remporté la meilleure web série avec AUTHENTIK. MARC VA PECHO explore le personnage de Marc… Savoureux, à déguster en ligne :

Pretty Far From OKAY

PAMA Non classé 06/22/2017
Director Helena Hufnagel’ Statement

“The future is just like the present – but even more fucked up.”

One day I woke up and thought: fuck, I’m in my late twenties. It felt like a hugh hangover. It was the moment I’ve realized that all my friends have started with their lifes except for me. I was still the ‘art-something-student’ that was living from the student job and hanging around in film school. They were getting married, moved in pretty apartments, I wasn’t able to afford, threw out their IKEA-furnuter and replaced it with new, fancy shit. And guess what, there are even babys involved.
There it was. The grown-up-life everybody was talking about. Except for me: I didn’t want anything to change. The only thing I was eger for, was to turn my art-student-job in something real. Getting out of filmschool and tell stories. Proofing to people that not only being a doctor is a real job. I’ve named the main character Isi, which is pronounced „Easy“ in German. But in her life nothing is easy. Kind of ironic. Kind of how it is.

When I’ve found out, that the Generation in the 1920ies was called „lost generation“ I loved it. It felt like history was repeating itself – in a way. In our story, Isi is drawing a Graphic Novel to F. Scott Fitzgerald’s „The Beautiful and Damned“, which tells about a couple in the lost generation. It is amazing how the quotes of Fitzgerald fit our generation. I was wondering, how people in 2120 are going to be called. Lost Generation – Generation Y – Generation happy?

After all, 30 is the new 20 and the world was supposed to end in 2012, wasn’t it? You really can’t rely on anything these days. “Pretty far from okay” is an homage to all the „Isi-People“ in the world, stucked in their twenties and finding out, that adulthood has arrived and beeing in a place: pretty far from okay.