Six contemporary stories in five Hungarian
cities about relationships, hangovers at the lakeside, dates, ex-lovers and partying.
Our movie is an anthology film inspired by the lyrics of Hungary’s most popular music band. The films original title means “Neverending” which is a reference to the illusion of youth and love. The film tells six individual stories about love and relationships of millennials in five different Hungarian cities. Each part has its rules and unique way of visual storytelling. The cast consists of the new generation of young Hungarian theatre actors, being the debut for most of them on the big screen.
A year after his wife’s murder, once-successful Hong Kong businessman Leonard To (Jason Tobin) is still reeling from the tragedy. Having lost his job, friends and all sense of order in his life, Leonard becomes obsessed with a mysterious stranger he sees at his wife’s grave, believing him to be responsible for her death.
Germany. The situation has changed from democracy to a kind of military dictatorship.
L., a woman age30, mother of two little children is being blackmailed by the department of homeland-security: She has to hand over a so called terrorist. B. is on the run. She is forced to leave Germany. L. finds B. in the forrests, they walk together.After some time L. realises, that she and B. are in the same desperate situation.
Run- a movie about trust, loneliness and the morality of betrayal.